An illustration for an article about a tech company improving their weather data resolution. The image should feature a minimalist style, showcasing a person in hiking gear standing on a mountain. The background includes a high-resolution digital map on a screen, symbolizing the improved weather data. The map should display terrain features vividly, indicating the high altitude and varied topography. The person is examining the map, representing the end users who benefit from the enhanced data. The atmosphere should be futuristic, with sleek, modern technology elements.

构建高性能高程 API


January 23, 2024 · Clarmy, ringsaturn

彩云天气地理查询优化(2): 行政区划查询

在彩云天气 App 和 API 里可以获取到当前经纬度的气象预警信息,比如「大风蓝色预警」。 不同国家地区的预警发布规则不一样,在中国是按照行政区划层级来发布...

January 28, 2023 · ringsaturn

彩云天气地理查询优化(1): 气象站数据查询

我们从一个实际业务场景的谈起: 如何找到离北京市海淀区 768 创意产业园最近的 K 个国家级观测站? 最简单的思路是完整遍历所有候选站点,然后计算每个站点...

January 6, 2023 · ringsaturn


在彩云天气内部有全球范围成千上万个各种类型的观测站以及大量的多边形数据,支撑着彩云天气数据 API。 那么如何在这些海量的观测站中找到用户周边的...

December 2, 2022 · ringsaturn