
随着时代的发展,气象数据消费群体对气象数据的时空分辨率提出了越来越高的要求。然而基于当前的气象观测站的分布密度,无法直接满足用户对高时空分辨率的要求,这就必然需要使用一些额外的方法进行插值或外推计算以实现提高时空分辨率的目的。 ...

May 13, 2024 · Clarmy
An illustration for an article about a tech company improving their weather data resolution. The image should feature a minimalist style, showcasing a person in hiking gear standing on a mountain. The background includes a high-resolution digital map on a screen, symbolizing the improved weather data. The map should display terrain features vividly, indicating the high altitude and varied topography. The person is examining the map, representing the end users who benefit from the enhanced data. The atmosphere should be futuristic, with sleek, modern technology elements.

构建高性能高程 API

在彩云科技,我们始终致力于为用户提供更高时空分辨率的气象数据。在过去这些年中,我们始终面临一个挑战:由于高程数据分辨率的限制,徒步、越野等户外活动爱好者用户经常遇到彩云提供的数据与实际感受有着明显偏差,这种情况在海拔变化剧烈的山地和高原地区尤为突出。 ...

January 23, 2024 · Clarmy, ringsaturn